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A river with influence

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What influence did and does the Danube have on the history of the city of Ume? When was it a curse and when a blessing? Influence of the Iller - wild things from the mountains! Incorporation of the blue - more colour in the brown? Which bridges were built when? And what are these strange 'boxes' all about? Finally, a strong piece and little luck: the fate of Ulm's only steamboat.

Meeting point: Tourist Information (Stadthaus)

Tour guide: Jörg Zenker


240,00 EUR (up to 15 persons)
285,00 EUR (up to 20 persons)
350,00 EUR (up to 25 persons)
405,00 EUR (up to 30 persons)


Ulm/Neu-Ulm Touristik GmbH
Münsterplatz 50
89073 Ulm
Phone +49 731 161 2832


240,00 EUR (up to 15 persons)
285,00 EUR (up to 20 persons)
350,00 EUR (up to 25 persons)
405,00 EUR (up to 30 persons)

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