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Freemasonry in Ulm

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1789 - in the year of the French Revolution, the first masonic lodge 'Astraea zu den drey Ulmen' is founded in Ulm. Illustrious personalities such as the once famous poet Johann Martin Miller and Prince Heinrich von Württemberg soon became members. After bans, new foundations and French and American influences, there are now three lodges in Ulm. We get to the bottom of freemasonry. Its traces can also be found in Ulm Minster. The tour ends in today's lodge house in Schülinstraße.

Meeting point: Tourist information (Stadthaus)

Tour guide: Jörg Zenker


240,00 EUR (up to 15 persons)
285,00 EUR (up to 20 persons)
350,00 EUR (up to 25 persons)
405,00 EUR (up to 30 persons)


Ulm/Neu-Ulm Touristik GmbH
Münsterplatz 50
89073 Ulm
Phone +49 731 161 2832


240,00 EUR (up to 15 persons)
285,00 EUR (up to 20 persons)
350,00 EUR (up to 25 persons)
405,00 EUR (up to 30 persons)

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